Posted on 3 Sep 2014

Belly Dancing Fitness Exercise

Belly Dancing and Fitness Exercise. Photo credit

Belly dancing has a long history associated with The Middle East, India, and parts of the Mediterranean. It has rapidly become popular in the West as a form of exercise. Belly dancing is the name given to this type of movement in the West. One description is belly dancing is improvised dancing of a solo artist using the torso as a form of expression.

It appears belly dancing was seen as representing life in a harem of the Ottoman Empire during the 18th and 19th Centuries. Perhaps this was a romantic view of the Middle East at that time.

Some forms of dance tend to push the body into unnatural shapes and positions, however belly dancing works with the body’s natural inclinations. The figure of eight shaping, rolls, hip drops, and pivots use the muscle groups in the pelvis, thighs, abdomen, spine, and up into the neck. The gentle repetitive low impact movements improves flexibility and suppleness. The techniques involved in belly dancing is to look at the body in separate parts. The rib cage and the waist should be isolated from each other. The shoulders become independent of the hands, wrists, and elbows, forming a fluid movement. The abdomen and hips need to be controlled to form the shapes and perform the movements.

Any form of dance makes an excellent form of exercise, but belly dancing can be started at any age. It is fun, creative, and a real confidence builder. With the increase in popularity in the West comes an increase in available tuition. Tuition is available in some areas in the sports centre or even the local village hall.

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