Posted on 23 Aug 2015

Matlock Weight Loss Camp Day, 14 August 2015

This is the start of our 2nd week in a row, which we have done many times before. However, this is the 1st time we have ever run 2 weeks at the same time! So it's all hands on deck, Helen is staying in Worcester and managing the glamping site whilst me and Sean are heading up to Matlock to run the Derbyshire course. We set off from Worcester after packing what we need into the works Toyota (the longest serving member of the team I might add) we headed for the m5 and with time slightly against us.... We hit traffic!

In pockets all the way up to Matlock, it was maddening as we ended up arriving at 3pm and needed to get set up and off load the equipment but with a little lightening speed and teamwork we got it done in time to head down to Matlock train station to collect the guests who were arriving by train.

This evening we have the welcome talk, some gentle exercise and a social evening just to get everyone properly settled in for the week to come. In the welcome talk, we explain our plans for the week, we cover some ground rules and we introduce ourselves and after this we go to loosen off.

Our aim for the evening workout is to get everyone loosened off relaxed and in good spirits ready for the rest of the week, an introduction that suggests we aren't here to "beast" people, we certainly are t here to "make you exercise" we are here to make exercise enjoyable to help you find fun and strength of mind through exercise and give you the tools to make it all achievable with the right steps in the right direction.

Andy Baker

This special blog post report is what happened in one of our recent Fitfarms fat camp weeks as reported by one of our instructors.

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We are the original FitFarms, featured on TV. Also featured in...

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  • The Telegraph
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  • Channel 4
  • The Times