Posted on 5 May 2015

Matlock – Weight Loss Camp Day Report – 25 Apr 2015

This special blog post report is what happened in one of our recent Fitfarms fat camp weeks as reported by one of our instructors.

Today is the day!! The first real day of the week, jam packed with exercise and pretty much nothing else, quite possibly the hardest day of the week it's a massive shock to the system and quite a fright for some to see how much they do on the first day. Everything from bodyweight circuits, interval work, boxing, resistance, aerobics and some stretching to! Luckily, we have quite a few returners this week and you guys are great at reassuring the new clients in a way the team cannot. For this we thank you! Working with a group of people no matter how diverse or similar they may be is easy if they trust in the program and it can be exhausting in the early stages to get some people to trust in the program and the team, always worth it, but exhausting never the less. So when we have such great reports from the returners and when they are so supportive as they have been throughout the day today for the new clients it makes our job a lot easier. The group is gelling very well already and everyone seems to be getting along and enjoying themselves.

By the end of today as you can expect the group were deservedly tired and ready for bed but the mood was definitely a positive one and I think everyone was happy with their first days experience, I can honestly say I'm looking forward to the rest of the week as I hope are all of our clients, it has been a fantastic effort today and you should all be proud, well done :-)

Andy Baker

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